
ARTIMAGE INC. , a leading japanese dance music production that includes artists such as m-flo and GTS have started an international
global standard dance music label, called “am recordings.”

The first artist from “am recordings” is Interselector, his song Caribbean Stardust was finally released.
Within Japan, the vinyl record of Carribbean Stardust was released, and sold well .
This song was also released through an American digital download label “traxsource”


m-flo, GTSなどを要する日本屈指のダンスミュージック専門プロ ダクション(株)アーティマージュが、国内外に向けてグローバルスタンダードダンス ミュージックレーベル「am recordings」をスタート。

リリース第1弾Interselector / Caribbean Stardustが遂にリリース!既に日本国内ではアナログ盤がリリースされており、好セールス を記録。更にアメリカ配信レーベル「traxsource」でも好評配信中。